BESEDA, J., KOSHECKO, N., POSTIUK N. Teaching methods for students’emotional intelligence development throught the course “Conflict management in higher education”, In: II Annual Conference on Current Foreign Languages Teaching Issues in Higher Education: Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kiev. 2020. pp. 70–72.
BESEDA, J., ŠMÍDOVÁ, M. veloping social competences in higher education for a sustainable future. In: Adamec P., Šimáně, M., Kovářová, E, (Eds.) Proceedings of international conference ICOLLE 2019: Sustainability in Education — Past, Present and Future, 2019. pp. 32–40. (Mostly in Czech)
CHRAST, O., BESEDA, J. New Technologies and New ICT and Gamification Based Approaches for the Cultural Heritage Education and Comparision of their Use in some Czech Republic’s Cultural Heritage Sites, Cultural Monuments and Virtual Museums. In: Beseda J. and Rohlikova L. (Eds.) DiSCo 2018: Overcoming the Challenges and Barriers in Open education-13th conference reader. Prague. CHES, pp. 401–411.
BESEDA, J. Contributions of Higher Education Institutions to Socio-Economic Development of Peripheral regions in Norway and the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the final phase of the project PERIF. Prague, CHES. 2017, p. 76.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H. Enhancing capacities in implementation of Bologna principles reforms at institutional Level at heis in two central asian regions – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, with the emphasis on internal quality assurance. In: Conference proceedings. Bologna principles and quality assurance at EU and Central Asian HEIs. Astana: S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University. 2017, pp. 63–71.
BESEDA, J. (ed.) DisCo 2016: Towards open education and information society (conference reader). Prague, CHES. 2016.
BESEDA, J., MACHÁT, Z. (eds.) DisCo 2015: From Analog Education to Digital Education (conference reader). Prague, CHES. 2015.
BENEŠ, J. (ed.) Project VEZ, Proceedings of the conference PRITECH. Ústí nad Labem: Jan Evengalista Purkyně University. 2016, p. 24. (In Czech)
BESEDA, J., MACHÁT, Z. (eds.) DisCo 2014: New media literacy education from pupils to lifelong learning (9th conference reader). Prague, CHES. 2014, p. 317.
BESEDA, J. , MACHÁT, Z. (eds.) DisCo 2013: New technologies and media literacy education (8th conference reader). Prague, CHES, 2013.
BESEDA, J., MACHÁT, Z. The process of wireless cyborganization. Proceedings of the Non-human Conference. 2013. Prague: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.
BESEDA, J., MACHÁT, Z. MOOC’s as a Tool for New Media Education. Sborník Conference Reader DisCo 2013.
BESEDA, J., MACHÁT, Z. M-learning as a Trend. PRADEC Interdisciplinary Conference Proceedings. Prague. 2013.
BESEDA, J., MACHÁT, Z. Tactile Generation. 7th DisCo Conference Reader: New Media and Education. Prague, CHES. 2012.
BESEDA, J., MACHÁT, Z., PALEČEK, L. M-learning as a trend. Volume 1, Issue 1. 2012. pp. 32–38.
BESEDA, J. Electronic information channels of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague. In: Sojka, P., Kvizda, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the 7th conference on electronic support for teaching. Brno: Masaryk University. 2011. pp. 159–164.
BESEDA, J. Use of electronic information channels at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University. In: Trochanová, H., Brixová, J., Kršjak, M., Blahušiak, M. (eds.). Innovation process in e-learning. (Refereed proceedings of international scientific conference). Bratislava: Ekonom 2011. 6 p. (CD-ROM)
MINKSOVÁ, L. Higher education students in the Czech Republic – Overview of research on higher education students. Overview of the thematic areas in the research of higher education students. In: Social science research and higher education institutions. Academics, students, public. Olomouc: Social Science Research Laboratory, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University. 2011.
PRUDKÝ, L. Values anchoring of education and training. In: Social pedagogy in the context of the global crisis. Proceedings of the international conference. Brno: Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2011.
PRUDKÝ, L. Notes on the problem of research into the value structures of university students. In: Social science research and universities. Academics, Students, Public. Olomouc: Social Science Research Laboratory, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University. 2011.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H. Main directions for the further development of quality assurance in the EHEA. In: Nantlová, S. (ed): Assessing the quality of universities: pathways to diversification of higher education. Proceedings of the 12th Seminar on Quality Assessment in Higher Education. Brno: Masaryk University. 2011. 64 p.
ŠIMA, K. Mass higher education in an institutional context. In: Social science research and universities. Academics, students, public. Olomouc: Social Science Research Laboratory, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University. 2011.
BESEDA, J. Transformation of student information systems at FHS UK and its impact on distance education. In: Beseda, J., Rohlíková, L. (ed.) Proceedings of the DISCO 2010 conference. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2010, pp. 185–189.
MACHÁT, Z. Examples of good practice in the field of distance education in the new EU member states – Estonia and its e-learning development policy. In: Beseda, J., Rohlíková, L. (ed.). Proceedings of the DISCO 2010 conference. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2010, pp. 111–115.
PRUDKÝ, L. Notes on the co-responsibility of the media for the shape of the value structure in society. In: Media Pedagogy in Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the International Conference. Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia. Pilsen, 2010.
KOHOUTEK, J. Systemic quality assurance mechanisms in Hungary and Austria as inspiration for the Czech Republic? Proceedings of the 9th seminar in the series “Quality Assessment of Universities.“ Ústí nad Labem: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. 23-24 January 2008, pp. 8–23.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H. The principles of the Bologna Process and the recommendations of OECD experts in the quality of tertiary education. Proceedings of the 9th seminar in the series “Quality Assessment of Universities.” Ústí nad Labem: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. 23-24 January 2008, pp. 24–39.
ZLÁMALOVÁ H., BEDNAŘÍKOVÁ I. Distance learning module – Adult education. In: Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Distance Education in the Czech Republic – Present and Future. Ústí nad Labem: CDV PF, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. 2008
FREIBERG, F., KOŠETICKÁ, B., ŠMÍDOVÁ, M. Quality assurance of universities with an emphasis on managing the relationship with the environment (curriculum development in cooperation with industry). Proceedings of the 8th Seminar “Quality Assessment of Universities” Ústí nad Labem: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. 2007. pp. 92–98.
PABIAN, P. The role of research and development in the non-university sector of tertiary education: the Czech Republic in the European context. In: Váchal, Jan (ed.) Littera Scripta: Proceedings of the 2nd conference “Problematika terciárního vzdělávání“. České Budějovice: VŠTE. 2007. pp. 60–68.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., BENEŠ, J. Recommendations of the OECD experts on quality assurance in the Czech Republic within the project “Thematic Review of Tertiary Education“. Proceedings of the 8th seminar in the series “Quality Assessment of Universities“. Ústí nad Labem: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. 2007. pp. 15–28.
ŠMÍDOVÁ, M., ŠEBKOVÁ, H., KOHOUTEK, J., ŠIMA, K. Quality evaluation of higher education instituions – II). Proceedings of the 8th seminar in the series “Quality Assessment of Universities“ Ústí nad Labem: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. 2007. pp. 29–38.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., BENEŠ, J. Quality assurance in education from the perspective of OECD experts and the situation in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the ACSA National Student Conference. Brno: Brno university of technology. 2007.
ZLÁMALOVÁ H. Elearning and quality assessment. In: Proceedings of the Alternative Methods of Education Conference. Prague: Faculty of Science, Charles University. 2007.