The Centre for Higher Education Studies was established in 1991 as a contributory organisation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports by transformation of the former Institute for Higher Education Development.
Since January 1st, 2007 CHES has been operating in accordance with Act No. 341/2005 Coll. as a public research institution established by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
For 30 years we have been engaged in basic and applied research in Czech higher education. We use both qualitative and quantitative methods. We also deal with statistical data processing and analysis. We use the findings from basic research in projects and contracts for state administration, local government, universities and other interested parties.
We examine a wide range of topics across these areas:
higher education systems and their operation,
the international dimension of tertiary education,
issues related to university students and graduates (Graduate 2018, Eurograduate, Eurostudent VII),
the third role of higher education institutions (PERIF),
the digitalisation of tertiary education.
An overview of our research results can be found in published annual reports, publications (monographs, articles, studies) or web news.
We publish the electronic journal AULA – Review of Higher Education and Research Policy. We are also gradually building our own online encyclopaedia AULAWIKI.
Other activities of CHES include educational, expert and consultancy activities in the field of distance and lifelong learning. Every year we organize the international conference DisCo. We are a member of the DigiKoalice, the Czech Alliance for Open Education, Czech Association of Distance Teaching Universities and the Czech consortium of the ReferNet network for professional education.
International cooperation is also inherent in the CHES activities, which is implemented mainly through international projects (e.g. PERIF, IQAT, DASHE). One of the pillars is the monitoring of international and especially European development in the field of higher education. We focus on the Bologna Process, activities of the European Commission, EUA, OECD and UNESCO. We cooperate with partner research institutes and centres in a number of European countries (e. g. DZHW).