Invitation to the workshop "Higher Education Counselling in the Czech Republic. Between strategy and reality"

The CSVŠ (Centre for Higher Education Studies) in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation would like to cordially invite you to an on-line workshop to present a new study by Dr. Filip Bláha “Higher Education Counselling in the Czech Republic. Between strategy and reality”. The event will take place on Tuesday 5 April 2022 from 13:00 to 14:30 on the ZOOM platform. An introductory presentation of the study will be followed by a discussion of its findings.

Abstract: The study is based on the conclusions of two international workshops organised by CSVŠ in 2020 and 2021 in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The focus of the study is on the Ministry of Education’s Strategic Plan for Higher Education for the period from 2021, whose goals and priorities are hardly achievable without a well-adjusted higher education guidance system. Using two specific cases – transition and psychological counselling – the study presents the current challenges towards the counselling community and how the coronavirus epidemic has affected them. The last section addresses the issue of effective funding for counselling activities.


Contact: Filip Bláha,

Co-organiser of the event

Study partner

Media partner




Centrum pro studium vysokého školství, v.v.i.

Jankovcova 933/63
170 00 Praha 7 – Holešovice

Tel.: 739 203 723
