EUROGRADUATE alumni survey and related May webinar coming up

The second phase of the European graduate survey – EUROGRADUATE, will start this year, building on the 2018-2021 pilot.

In the initial phase, 8 countries participated in the project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. This year, or in the current second phase, up to 17 countries are involved in EUROGRADUATE.

Find out more about the alumni survey on our current projects page. 

For those interested in more detailed information, we are preparing a webinar to be held between 11 and 20 May 2022. The exact date is still being fine-tuned with the international presenters and will be announced on our Facebook page as soon as possible.


Centrum pro studium vysokého školství, v.v.i.

Jankovcova 933/63
170 00 Praha 7 – Holešovice

Tel.: 739 203 723
